why do bad things happen to me? |
april 15, 99
It's nothing new. Violence is everywhere.
Shit happens. But sometimes you just never think it'll happen to you...or
your close friends. Peruse the most recent deluge of e-mail from my high
school classmates' mailing list (posted here, without their consent) regarding
recent experiences with assault and violence. And remember ...this could
happen to you too.
Hey dudes, after reading about my December Suck-sess story in the AcidPit,
find out about the latest installment here:
___and for those who still haven't checked out my twisted, sicko
website, go to: <http://acidpit.tripod.com>
___rah, rah Standards! (doesn't that sound LAME?)
Tang'na, mag-ingat ka pa rin. Hindi pa tapos 'yan. Betsy's demand seems
to complicate things now more than ever since money's gotten very much
into the mix and the urgency scale just went up a notch for Philip.
i must echo bloo's sentiments on the matter. not to sound paranoid, but
manila is not a very large city, and if this guy's as kupal as you've
described him, then he's probably seething at your apparent return to
good graces. keep your ass covered as well. as for me, i was able to avert
what could have been a really nasty situation (it was actually nasty in
the first place, but could've easily become much fucking worse).
i got pushed off my bike at 2:15am thurs, biking home from school by a
big black mother-fucker who was accompanied by 3 other big black mother-fuckers.
they were crossing a street just outside school and were going to cross
my path. while my inner being was screaming danger, i couldn't just turn
around because there was a divider in the road, and if i did turn, they
would've sensed my fear and might've chased me. so instead i tried to
play it cool, veered off to one side and slowed down to let them cross
ahead of me.
___ one of them had already crossed and was on my right, and i was passing
them by already, keeping my distance. then the fucker turned and ran towards
me and before i know it, pushed me!!! i fell on my left side with my bike,
and landed on my left wrist, smashing my watch and ripping my coat. i
saw another guy coming up as if to kick me, but he just jumped over me.
i was shouting "don't hurt me" thinking all the while that fuck,
that was it, i was going to buy it.
___ i stood up as fast as i could and jumped on my bike and ran away as
fast as i could, and they didn't chase me. fuck, they were just dicking
with me, and that enraged me even more. so here i was, bleeding from some
cuts with my left wrist and my right shoulder hurting like hell, with
my handlebars twisted running away from these bastards. shit, i was soooo
mad, and humiliated, and relieved that i got off easy. they weren't out
to mug me i guess, and i was so glad to put some distance in between us.
i got home safely enough, running every light i saw (at 2:30am all the
roads were clear anyway). i was shaking, shocked, all the extremes of
emotion. i cleaned myself up and checked damage, iced my wrist and shoulder.
i felt like shit, but eventually calmed down enough to sleep.
___ fortunately, my check up next day revealed no serious damage to either
my wrist and shoulder. they were both sprained.
___ needless to say, i'm taking the train these days, as i have to work
really late nights at studio. i know i can get on my bike again soon,
i just want to get over the initial trauma. i'm playing safe, of course.
i am indeed thankful that i'm still alive and well, wiser, i guess.
as for those assholes, may they (and all the rest who torment us in various
ways) may they fucking rot in whatever is their version of personal hell
for the rest of eternity.
___ so there, just had to let off some steam.
OK, so now I have this urge to let off steam too!
I went to South Beach, Florida with my good friend Adrian from Australia.
South Beach is the Art Deco section of Miami, made famous by the murder
of Gianni Versace by Fil-Am Andrew Cunanan, and also by the Delano Hotel
which if I'm not mistaken is designed by the same people who did the Paramount
in NYC and SkyBar in LA: very airy bohemian, lots of fabulous people.
If you watched The Birdcage, the "strip" was featured there.
There are fantastic clubs in the area, and gorgeous women and men walking
around at all hours of the day in various stages of undress.
___ ANYWAY, Adrian and I decide to watch a movie which is only showing
in this movie theater about 20 blocks away from the center of town. We
get out of the cab, and it's a pretty sad place surrounded by parking
lots and a Denny's. After the movie we are unable to find a cab, and it
dawns on us that this is probably not the kind of neighborhood where cabs
want to pick up fares. We stand near a bus stop where it is well-lit,
trying to think of what to do. It is very dark. There is something like
a highway in front of us, and lots of weeds and overgrown palm trees.
___ I see a group of Latino youths, no, a gang of Latino thugs approaching
about a block away. There are about six young men, and a couple of women
(very cheap, with foot-high hair and huge faux-gold dangling earrings).
Then I realize that Adrian and I are dressed in our South Beach club clothes:
me in a tight knit shirt that barely covers my arms, pseudo-Issey Miyake
polyester blend stretch pants, and black workers' boots, arms akimbo and
smoking a cigarette. Adrian, who is tall and well-built, in a black muscle
shirt, black pants, and his worn Pradas, looking romantically at the stars.
___ The gang comes near us and one woman yells, want some weed? Adrian
whispers to me, what's weed? (note: he grew up in a sheltered suburb of
Melbourne). I start to get clammy hands and insanely start looking around
for the equivalent of the Barangay Tanod. THEN one of the thugs yells,
Hey, are you faggots? (to myself: no, the Village People are on vacation),
and Do you like sucking each others' **** (to myself: what I would give
for a hand granade).
Adrian, sweet misled dear, says we can fight them (WHATEVER). Then I see
that one of them has pulled out something that glints under the streetlight.
It is a knife, but really is big enough to qualify as a machete. I whisper,
On the count of three, run. Then I grab Adrian's wrist and start running
across the highway without even counting. They start to run after us.
We move in slow motion.
Deus ex machina: a cab almost hits us, but stops. We jump in and it speeds
off, the gang feet away still shouting expletives and gesticulating. We
are shaking and somewhat sore from the sprint, but thankfully in one piece.
We don't speak until we get to Liquid, and in the club order double martinis,
no olives.
___ Lessons: The world is not a nest. Stay in your little ghettoes, with
like people. If you venture out, go on a package tour. And wear sensible
inang shit! (echoing the colorful words of one of the finest photojournalists
in Manila)
I've always believed this, well maybe not always but sure as hell SOMETIMES,
that each and every Standard should carry a gun. And that we should be
the only ones in Manila (and at Harvard and wherever the hell Jaffs is)
to have them. Not that we'd go around offing people. Only bright, responsible
and hella nice guys should carry firearms and, well, that's us.
___ Maybe in the near future we could clone Baddy C. or, better yet, one
of his buddyguards. Each of us would have our own personal first line
of defense, so we wouldn't have to pull guns out ourselves. The Baddy
C. clones would be armed with sticks.
___ Jaffs, acid42, lahat tayo, ingat lang.
karlkro, i'm in chicago, which is obviously still a fucking racially-segregated
city, and i'm not fucking surprised why.
___i wouldn't carry a piece though, too easy for something to go wrong.
the clones sound okay though.
if i remember
correctly, even non-citizens are allowed to possess (at least) one long
arm and one handgun.
not to belittle Jappy's plight but the idea of Baddy C. clones all in
army fatigues sure made me laugh. (no offense meant Buddy :) good thing
you got out of there quickly, Jaffs.
Well Jaffs, first of all, I'd like to say that the politically correct
terminology for those individuals is "pumpkin colored maternal sodomizers".
I had a similar experience in NYC on New Year's Eve of 1996 wherein I
was assaulted for no apparent reason by 3 "pale colored
puting basura" - types. All I'm saying is be careful and try to carry
something like mace or pepper spray if you're gonna be on the streets
at such an ungodly hour (that goes for all of you who walk the streets
late at night - wherever the hell you are Chicago, Boston, Manila etc.).
I don't need no stinking clones!!!! But if Baddy wants to show up also
and kick some ass, he's more than welcome.
___ Let me reiterate that guns should only be for those who know how to
use them. So, why don't we all go to the shooting range for some target
practice? I'm serious! I know a little bit and maybe answer a few questions.
How about a Standards trip to the shooting range with Jonny? Let me know.
I'm getting my license (to carry not kill) any day now.
___ Hey but wouldn't you all rather get laid than foment violence in this
already self-destructing world? In the words of the felonious Rodney King,
"...can't we all just get along..."?
___ HORNY, HORNY, HORNY !!!!!!! I love that song!
Okay ha... now the circle is complete. Obi-Wan has taught us well. Hindi
na lang sex ang pinag-uusapan natin ngayon... violence na rin. Sex and
violence!! Yahoo!!
___Sige, we can add 'shooting range' to our list of pre-homecoming gimmicks.
I'm in.
everyone in the class who has been assaulted thus far has my sympathy.
kill!!! kill!!! kill!!!
___as a break from the insanity: FYI the paramount and skybar were (co-)designed
by philippe starck of alessi (of the stainless steel orange juicer which
looks like some martian tripod) check it out. no naked chicks on this
I'm not kidding, but it is quite interesting (in a Twilight Zone kinda
way) to note that I was headed for a party in the PARAMOUNT hotel, that
night I was assaulted in 1996. Whoa (can someone play some twilight zone
music now?)!!!
___You don't need to clone Joan Severance, she's a love goddess!!!
ANYWAY, how was the movie?
Karlo wrote:
"I've always believed this, well maybe not always but sure as hell
SOMETIMES, that each and every Standard should carry a gun... Maybe
in the near future we could clone Baddy C. or, better yet, one of his
yes, guns would be nice.I often think back over my soap-opera life and
wonder how things would be different if I'd had a gun in my bag somewhere.
The thought strangely exhilarates me. Although I do like the Baddy clone
idea even more.
___Now if we could get bodyguards with Baddy's strength and pizzazz but
who looked like Alyssa Milano, we wouldn't have Jonny-boy emailing all
of us and saying he was horny horny horny... hehehe.
if you really want to carry guns, and you're not exactly the killing type,
you can load them with rubber (yes, rubber) bullets. or you can just aim
carefully at certain incapacitating anatomical parts, such as the brachial
plexus in the arm or the testicles.
But did you know? Fred Caubang dislikes guns. He likes using hand to hand
weapons like knives.
___ Baddy has pizzazz? What are you talking about? He's got pecs sure,
but pizzazz???
___ Big question, if I had an Alyssa Milano look-alike created from Baddy's
genes, would I fuck her? Would YOU fuck her? Them's the tough questions
you have to think about.
Pizzas siguro. The way I remember Baddy, he does have a belly sticking
out like most of us.And Alyssa Milano with Baddy's genes? I think Baddy'd
rather put his genes IN Alyssa Milano.
Jonny is right! Guns should only be for those who know how to use them.
So let's go know. Sabi diba ni G.I.Joe "...and knowing is half the
battle." Combat shooting tayo tapos girlie bar. Or, let's just all
get laid with our Baddy clones that look like Alyssa Milano.
Damn. if you're going to go that far, why not just CLONE alyssa milano????
Don't be silly, Beeng. Nobody can clone humans yet.
You're right.
Nobody can clone humans. Yet. But we can clone sheep. Now if the sheep
looked like Alyssa Milano... BAA RAM EWE!
___Something from Billy Conally's live shows (that comediain wid the thick
Scots accent): "We Scots like to position the sheep over the edge
of a cliff because it makes them push back harder."
"Och, I loov it when ya talk darrty, me wee beauty!"
You sick twitch. I guess it's better than getting an Alyssa clone that
looks like Baddy. Quitthisshit!