6, 99
After telling most of my friends I can't
wait for Blair Witch to finally open in theatres in Manila, they
go off and watch it without me. Thanks a lot. Those who haven't
seen it yet, have no intention of setting foot in a cinema showing
anything vaguely close to a scream-flick. So I am forced to make
a decision: watch it alone or wait for the video tape to come out....
It is a Wednesday night, and I am depressed
after work. I wait for a ride outside of my office building. I think
to myself, if a jeep arrives, I'm taking it down to EDSA highway
and going home, dammit. If a Tamaraw FX arrives and it's going to
the Glorietta mall, I'm watching The Blair Witch Project.
An FX arrives.
It is the hand of fate.
get down at the Landmark department store, and in an unprecedented
move, head to the supermarket's wine section to get me some booze.
My feet move on its own accord. The alcohol beckons. I get a cute
little 375 ml. bottle of Southern Comfort and a can of Planter's
Cheez Curls--- both fit snugly in my backpack. Darn. Looks good
Next stop: McDo for a burger dinner.
By the time I do get to the Glorietta 4 theater,
it is 8:50. and the 8:30 PM show is underway. So I scout the other
shows and see to my amazement a 9 PM screening of Children of the
Corn 5: Field Of Screams. HA!!! I figure, since I've seen each and
every other sequel of this stupid movie "franchise" (why
aren't there any Children of the Corn toys out there?), I may as
well watch this one. Anything's better than Banderas playing the
13th Warrior, I surmise.
it turns out, I am dead wrong.
They should've named it Children of the Corny.
Argh. Not even the presence of "Kung-Fu" Carradine as
the puppet adult leader of the kids' colony saves the movie from
mediocre hell. The Omen-like child leader himself is a picture of
stupidity. Hardly scary. Good thing I had the Southern Comfort,
Lemme tell you: Drinking this stuff straight
from the bottle is primal. Recommended only for the sorely depressed.
It's dangerous. It's illegal. A-he-he-he. But who would've caught
me anyhow? There were only about 15 people in the ENTIRE theater.
the time I get out, it is close to 10:20 PM, a good 10 minutes before
the final screening of Blair Witch. I run to the ticket counter.
I am far from tipsy.
I find a good seat in the front row... near
enough to the screen to experience the full dizzy effect of the
shaky-cam cinematography, and far enough away from the people to
my left who might notice my bottle of Comfort-- if they take their
eyes off the screen, that is.
I'd read all the bad reviews and heard all the curses hurled at
Blair Witch. So I went in expecting nothing. And came out wearing
a smile. (No doubt the alcohol had a jollifying effect on me.) It
wasn't awesome... but it WAS riveting. Then of course, I've always
been a sucker for home-movies. So, there was no way I would've NOT
enjoyed the movie. True the acting was a bit forced at times and
there were quite a few dead scenes (eh?) but it was a nice little
package. Lacked real HORROR though.
Couldn't help but think if that were me and
two friends out in the woods, we'd probably have succumbed to giggles,
joke-telling and farting contests LOOOOONGG before panicking. But
that's me.
Suffice to say I exit the cinema just a little
less depressed and a little less sober than I enter it and take
a bus home while listening to the creepy soundtrack of Fifth Element
on my walkman. The bottle of Southern Comfort resting silently in
my bag, 1/3 empty.