contact the culprit:
acid42@yahoo.com |
September 1, 2001
I am sitting at a stone table with Agnes when three strange, stocky men
join us. They are dressed in black and seem mysterious, and ...different.
Somehow, these strangers know our names and proceed to talk about an acquaintance.
I ask if we know them, but instead of answering my question, respond that
they have to get to the church. At which I point out the direction toward
the church. it is somewhere behind the stone table at which we sit.
___ A strange beggarwoman (very SISA) across the street (and near the church)
wails and says "Why did you point those BAD men to the church? Why?
Why?" I answer: "Give them the benefit of the doubt. How are you
sure they are evil?"
___ I return to Agnes. She's in her grey negligee, being given a master
massage by an old woman. I check behind me to make sure the Bad Men are
not following me, and are not spying on my wife. But then, I realize, they
are here...
___ I use quick thinking and some expert karate skills to hide from them
and pick themoff one-by-one. Like in a video game. I am going from room
to room, disabling these Bad Men in swift, silent moves.
There is a couple searching through the debris of an old, abandoned building.
They find a living survivor of the wreckage--and surprisingly, the survivor
is sleeping peacefully. Turns out that the survivor is Agnes. The old
woman fixes Agnes' sleeping position because, she says: "Women have
a hard time sleeping if they are in the wrong position." The new
position is the fetal position of the womb. Away from the rubble majority,
Agnes continues sleeping snugly.
I am in a department store or a showroom. It is a showroom for Canon Printer
Products. But somehow it is a cross between a carnival and a store, so
there are both games and products. I've spent some money in playing video
games at the arcade. And I am holding one of those hi-tech swipe cards
(instead of tokens). Agnes arrives! I know she'll be mad at me for psending
money on video games, but before I have a chance to explain, she brings
me to a section in the arcade where there are old ATARI game consoles.
Some are being repaired, but most are OK. She wants to play!
In another wing of the arcade/carnival/showroom, a deal is being made.
The deal is being made at a table where the figures of 12 Chinese gods
stand. (Strangely enough, 3 of the 12 figures are porcelain teapots.)
The 2 groups doing the deal are: chinese and western businessmen. Among
the Westerners is my dad.
___ The Chinese are saying to themselves (in subtitles): "This is
taking too long. Forget the offer and reclaim the 12 gods."
At another table in the same place, I am fixing an arrangement of WW2
memorabilia like in a museum display. The table is showing how WW2 war
negotiations looked like between Western and Eastern parties. On the table
are placards showing who sat where, and a pile of toy soldiers.
___ My dad appears and leads me off to somewhere else in the showroom
where there is a TV set and a piano. My dad sits at the piano and begins
to play.
___ Meanwhile the CHinese businessmen are gloating in their own tongue.
I return to Agnes after her massage with the old woman is over. She wants
to go to the comfort room. I lead AGnes to a unisex lavatory and guard
the entrance to her cubicle so no one makes a mistake of opening the door.
Agnes is disgusted with the toilet bowl but decides to use it anyway.
There are other people in the other cubicles, but I don't see them.