contact the culprit:
acid42@yahoo.com |
April 18, 1999
There are three of us adventurers on a deserted island which is beautiful
and pristine. Grass and rocks at first... then the terrain quickly gives
way to Grand Canyon-like wind-eroded caverns where we find seashells and
sand everywhere. The caverns we walk thru were once under the sea!
___ Somewhere on a mountain face, we see the words, "Rescue me, I'm
in the nest" painted in big, white letters. We wonder who could've
written it since the island feels empty. But just as we think this, we realize
we are being chased by Reptile-men... hybrids between small dinosaurs and
walking homo sapiens. Probably because we trespass on their ancestral land.
___ We run... at one point in the chase, we clamber over some sand-blown
cavern walls and find ourselves... in a concrete parking lot. Suddenly,
it seems like the entire island which we were just marvelling at is a "theme
park". But the Reptilemen don't care, they're still chasing us, and
they're out for our blood.
___ We clamber down stairways which are reminiscent of the stairways in
shopping center carparks. But we are soon surrounded and cannot escape.
We should've climbed upwards so we could come out at street level....
Suddenly I am in the Dulaang Sibol theatre and there are three people
onstage, playing (respectively) electric guitar, bass and drums. They
are bashing out original compositions, and one of them was written by
my sister Naya, entitled "Hallelujah" which goes something like,
"Hallelujah, tayo'y magsama-sama/ Hallelujah, tayo'y magkaisa..."
sung to a fast, rickety funk beat. Quite cool, except for the lyrics...
___ The guitarist and bassist, who both look like they 're still in high
school, are tinkering around with each other's instruments as they play,
continually tweaking the knobs and stuff to get louder and more distorted
electric sounds...
___ And suddenly, I have my own snare drum and am accentuating the simple
patterns that their drummer is playing by adding little figures and fills
___ I am wearing earphones suddenly and listening to a funky drum sample
which I am then trying to emulate on the snare. And everything around
morphs into some great gigantic music video, with people dancing everywhere
in this vast club. At some point, I am in a crane and singing (apparently,
it is MY music video we're filming) and the crane lowers itself to the
bar level where I see 2 girls and ask them whether they'd like to love
boys or girls, and they both said, "Sorry, we like girls..."
and then they laugh, much to my chagrin.
April 23, 1999
Karlo Samson and I are playing a game thru an interactive TV screen.
You flip little green kutsinta into your opponent's mouth until both your
mouths are full. The first one who swallows is the loser. Of course, the
kutsinta taste wonderful, so it's a challenge not to swallow them. Bizarre.
___ There are also some sort of hide & seek games going on in this
little campus where we are located.
April 26, 99
There's a room in Colayco Hall, Ateneo de Manila University, where
i am sleeping in. sleeping on a folding bed. it's been recently cleared
out by former occupants so we're new there.... whoever "WE"
___ Then i am in a smallish classroom where there are many new students...
freshmen both boys and girls. Some upperclassmen like (former Sibolista)
Mhel Garrido and others arrive to make fun of the freshmen.... but the
humor wears thin and the freshmen aren't the type to sit by and take it.
___ There are a few pious people leading the freshmen on some devotions...
to the Virgin Mary and to some other icons found in the classroom. and
it's weird because the classroom is like a meeting place, study hall and
___ Suddenly there is a game being played where the consequences are:
everyone must act like an animal and make animal sounds until someone
who can speak normally--- that's us upperclassmen--- can guess the animal.
(Bukas Palad mate) Celine Lambino is there saying "clackety-clackety-clackety-clack"
and i say Chicken? (it is only when i wake up that i realize she's imitating
my electric fan.)