contact the culprit:
acid42@yahoo.com |
March 16, 99
I am lying in a futon on the floor of some meeting hall much like
the ones we used to be in during our Jesuit Volunteer (JVP) training days.
There are plenty of people around me... in conversation and asleep. The
atmosphere is like one big slumber party consisting of my high school
classmates and fellow Jesuit Volunteers. Can't tell if it's night or day.
Some arrogant guy comes in and starts harassing one of my female friends.
He's claiming the girl and he are seeing each other... When I know it's
all hogwash. And I don't like the way he's throwing his weight around.
Maybe I am jealous.
___ Sheerin (bandmate and co-volunteer) and I are running from the meeting
hall to the corridors giggling. I think we played some mischievous prank
on the arrogant guy. Damned if I know what the prank was. Meanwhile, all
our other co-JVP'ers are either waking up or coming from the showers after
their morning baths.
A whole group of us students are waiting in line outside a classroom
for a seat. Apparently if you want a seat, you have to arrive early. Classroom
seats here are on a first-come, first-serve basis. The teacher has some
problems for us to solve, all written out on the board. It's a MATH class.
As the students get noisy, the teacher decides to give us all extra work,
in short, more problems. A punishment for our rowdiness?
___ Suddenly I am solving algebraic equations all over again (shudder)
but this time with variables that have more than ONE either subscript
or superscript number attached to it
It's a frigging nightmare!
How do you solve something that looks like this?
And just as suddenly, I am elsewhere. Now I am seated at a formica
table in a monobloc chair, next to my 4A high school classmates and we
are all solving bizarre quadratic formulas on our own papers. Weird thing
is, the classroom is gone. We are under the night stars, in some back
lot of a pier with weeds growing out of the dusty ground at our feet.
In the distance we see boats docking. We are right outside the chainlink
fence which separates this empty lot from the main pier.
___ In the middle of our algebraic seatwork, my classmate Ayedee whips
out his celphone and starts conversing with his longtime sweetheart Madz,
saying he needs a break from all this mathematics, and that he's going
to meet her soon. And I am suddenly singing I Can Dream About You
by Dan Hartman
(which was my favorite song back in Grade 7). Another
classmate, Paul Santos, is suddenly singing the guitar solo while playing
air piano
. My classmates are singing along apparently. It's like
some mad scene from a Broadway musical, where for no reason at all, people
just get up and start yodelling their lungs off...
March 19, 1999
Friday: 6:50 am
Yet another big gathering of the Jesuit Volunteers Philippines (can't
stop dreaming about this time in my life). I am planning to take a bath
in the main bathroom, but ther appears to be only one shower room and
it's co-ed... first come-first served. Just as I step into the main shower
foyer (as big as the one in Sacred Heart Novitiate), my friend Sheerin
is there. She and I are viciously racing each other to get to the shower
first and claim its sought-after space. She is in white cotton pajamas
and looks like she'd cut my heart out if she could get tot he bathroom
___ But suddenly the shower area turns into the kitchen in my grandmother's
old house in Bulusan street. There is a hearty breakfast of sinangag and
corned beef being cooked in a greasy wok. And it looks like I want to
use that wok as my tabo. I don't know why. But it occurs to me that if
I use this greasy wok to scoop the water out of the basins for my bath
(what happened to the shower?), I must first eat all of the fried rice
and corned beef that it contains...
___ A priest, I think it's Fr. JJ Jesena (former chaplain of Ateneo De
Manila University, circa 1993) comes in commenting about my eating again
and seeing me stealing bites from the wok of corned beef. And while I
sneak food into my mouth, a lot of other people have snuck into the actual
bathroom and are taking their baths ahead of me.
The entire scene turns into a funeral gathering, even though I know
I'm still in the bathroom/kitchen area of my grandmother's house. All
my 4A classmates are here to celebrate(? or mourn?) the passing away of
yet another of our classmates. I don't know who. We talk as we piss in
the urinals. I seem to be ambivalent about everything.
___ Some slutty-looking GROs appear just outside the bathrrom door.. they've
come from the club just across the hall (a girly bar across the hall)
and some dudes like John are making typical comments like, Hot mama
or something.
___ Karlo Samson leaves his IDataSystems ID card hanging atop one of the
.(by this time, I wake up feeling the need to urinate)