contact the culprit:
acid42@yahoo.com |
In 1990, I was going thru my 2nd year College. I had pimples, math12, a
confused heart, and more angst than could be contained in a journal. Imagine
what I could've come up with if I'd known how to encode HTML way back then?
June 13, 1990
I am with a small group of horrified people, including an unknown pair
of grandparents (who were both foreigners) and we are in a hybrid setting
that mixes in elements of a barn, dungeon (with rushes on the earthen
floor), my Lola's former house in Bulusan Street and my other Lola's old
house in San Juan.
___ A demon is possessing each of us, and we can tell whenever this happens
because the possessed person's pupils dilate and become tiny points. The
demon is testing each of us at our individual weaknesses, to see whether
we are still faithful to God.
___Us humans are trapped behind the glass sliding doors of the music room
and since we cannot escape, we are forced to watch each of the tests given
to each member of the group.
___First up, the foreigner grandparents. The demon forces them to have
sex. And as we watch, the old man climaxes but what spurts forth from
his loins is a solution of lizards and bugs. The horror kills both he
and his aged wife.
___I fail my test. There are two parts to it.
I am walking down a cobblestone road with a lady (in black and red, like
some gypsy of old) on my arm. I am holding her tenderly and caressing
her arm with my fingers. I know that the caresses will end up firing our
lust, but I cannot stop.
I am back at the barn, watching a Spanish lady (probably the same
as in my caress test) seduce another guy. I watch from the entrapment
of the glass sliding doors.
___Someone told me before I returned to the barn, that the only way to
defeat the demon (who was now inhabiting the Spanish lady's body) was
to use an umbrella. Perfect, I think. I always carry an umbrella. I bring
it out, put my finger rosary around my thumb for protection and prepare
to meet my demon.
___The Spanish lady turns from her seductions and looks me straight in
the eye. I stop in my tracks. I realize I am watching her seduction...
and cannot do anything at all to save my soul. I am a weakling. The demon
knows my heart.
June 15, 1990
I am in a rich colonial house, something that loks like it belongs
in Corinthian Gardens or in Baguio. A TV crew is filming Zsa Zsa Padilla,
who is in turn, interviewing me about my music career. We are seated atop
some tables, except mine is shaking. I blame it on the table's construction
defects. My friend Pam says it's my nervousness that's making it shake.
___Anyway, Zsa Zsa takes my hand to calm my shaking (her left hand has
a butterfly bracelet on it). And Pam leaves in a dramatic display of jealousy.
I rush after her as she leaves the gate and tell her that it wasn't what
she thought it was. (How Melrose Place can one get?) I beg her to stay
and then I embrace her.
June 16, 1990
I am shopping for purple shoes again. This seems to be an over-riding
obsession in my dreams. I am with my sister Nessa. I try on a glittering
purple leather shoe with high heels... It was in the men's section! But
the shoe was tight...apart from looking too ridiculously feminine for
my feet.